If you’re dealing with a major structural issue that could benefit from orthodontic treatment, or if you just want a straighter smile, visiting an orthodontist in London can offer numerous long-lasting benefits that can change how your smile looks and feels.
If you’re unsure whether orthodontics is right for you, we’re here to assist. At Elite Orthodontics, we’ve been helping patients enhance the appearance and function of their smiles since 1973. Our expert orthodontists have corrected a wide range of issues and are committed to providing top-notch care, so you can trust you’re in good hands with us.
Orthodontics focuses on correcting misaligned teeth and jaws. Misalignment can appear in various forms, and the type and severity of your misalignment will help determine the best orthodontic treatment for you. There might be several options available.
Orthodontics involves moving the teeth and jaw into better positions, usually through consistent pressure over time. Orthodontists have different methods to achieve this, depending on your specific issue, but most braces or aligners work by first adjusting the position of the tooth’s crown, followed by the root.
Transforming your smile’s appearance is important, especially if an uneven smile affects your confidence and self-esteem. However, many orthodontic procedures do more than just change how your teeth look; they can significantly improve your quality of life, depending on the severity of your misalignment.
Many issues treated by our orthodontists in London can greatly impact daily life, and if left untreated, can lead to various side effects. The right orthodontic treatment can not only permanently enhance your smile but also improve how you breathe, eat, and speak, especially for those with severe misalignments.
At Elite Orthodontics, we offer a variety of orthodontic solutions for different issues. You can choose from several options, so whether you’ve always wanted a straight smile or are dealing with more serious problems, we’re confident we have a solution that can help.